What are Holograms?

What are Hologams?

In Immersive Design the idea of holograms appears again and again. And they become more and more popular for events. But actually “Hologram” became a pretty vague term under which a lot of different effects are placed.

Cyber Soul

Cyber Soul

This was originally an VR Experience that was presented at a few exhibitions in Munich. You see here a 360° rendering from the main room. You can see a Cyber City inspired by Ghost in the Shell with

What is 360° – learn

What is 360°-Film?

360° is not Virtual Reality, there is some confusion going on. 360° is an indepentent and exciting medium of its own.

re_publica. source: berlinfestfilme blog

A 360°-Film is a full dome movie which completely immerses the movie-goer.

Black Hole

still images


During the process of visualizing a black hole in OpenGL, I found some remarkebly beautiful transformations. Completely unrelated to any physical signifcance they are still a wonderful visualization of geometical and mathematical beauty and symmetry.



Eikonauts and the Journey into the Digital Realm

There are only two industries that call their customers “users”: illegal drugs and software” – Edward Tufte

Judging from the success of storytelling, exploring new worlds seems to be a constantly

What is XR? – learn

what is extended reality?

XR is the term used to describe all the virtual forms that “extend” reality, which are AR, VR and MR.


Extended Reality (XR) is a term used to encompass all the different technologies that digitalize

What is AR? – learn

What is Augmented reality?

AR is the technology that places digital content over reality by looking through a device.


source: SparkAR - Facebook
Augmented reality describes computer technology placing digital content on top of the real world which

What is MR? – learn

What is Mixed Reality?

MR descibes the technology that combines virtual objects with real spaces and objects.


Mixed reality is one of those terms less known which may get confusing at times. It is similar to Augmented

What is VR? – learn

What is Virtual Reality?

VR is the technology by with a head-mounted display teleports you in a virtual world by shutting out the outside real world.


source: Marshmallowlaserfeast in the eye of the animal

Virtual Reality was first imagined