

Planets is a NFT Project on the Cardano Blockchain.

Virtual Reality & Metaverse

Metaverse & story

the 3d rendered Planets were  created and painted in Virtual Reality. They are made in the Metaverse and live in the Metaverse.

digital Artworks

There is no limited number  of planets, everyone is hand-made with custom details. But there are common characteristics, which are tree(s), flower(s), house(s), fractionalised or not, creature(s).


The Cardano Blockchain uses proof  of stake instead of the proof of work mechanism to verify transactions which reduces the energy consumption radically. Like this is there are hardly any fees involved with transactions and the nfts are “clean” – without a heavy carbon footprint.

The planets are therefore sustainable to buy which was a very important consideration in their creation. We also work  on collaborations with charities  to make  an even more positive impact for the environment.

buy a planet

Planets will be available at Marketplaces using the Cardano Blockchain. So every ADA holder with a wallet will be able to buy them. When the first planets get live,  links to the marketplaces will be found here.