Creating Virtual Worlds

wir sind ein kleines multimedia Studio
und Kunstkollektiv, das Kunst und Technologie
verschmelzen lässtm

“A friend once told me the worst mistake you can make is to think you are alive, when really you are awake in life’s waiting room. The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because if you can do that, you can do anything.”

– waking life


VR, XR, MR... what??

I spend a lot of my time reasearching immersive Design and its possibilities. And as these new technologies like VR and AR are pretty new and confusing to most people I wrote a few articles that can help you if you find yourself a little bit confused.


2d animation


Head over for more colourful 2d, flat and typography animations. Because there is nothing more fun then animations in papercut and hand-drawn style.


During the process of working with algorithms, a lot of exploration takes place. Generative art never really works out the way one thought it would. And then there are so many technologies that want to be explored from an artists and designers perspective.
Head over to a collection of currents explorations.