Cosmic Hive

Cosmic Hive is an immersive interactive exhibition that let’s you explore abstract concepts of cosmology and theoretical physics in a playful way. The exhibition took place in May/June of 2021 at Pathos in Munich.

The user explores the universe, galaxies and black holes with the aid of immersive installations. An interaktive LED wall allows to create black holes, two screens that are equipped with depth cameras allow to observe consequences of general relativity. Video art projections illustrate the vastness of the universe, an mirror room let’s the user better understand the concept of infinity. A VR installation will then take the user face to face with a black hole.

Every installation is accompanied with a physical explanation. The combination of immersive art and simple explanations of complex ideas  allows for a far better knowledge transfer than traditional media could ever achieve.

Videoart: Betty Mü

Interactive Installations: WE ARE VIDEO (Raphael Kurig & Christian Gasteiger)

VR & Concept: Nicole Popst

durch Unterstützung von: FoDaKu (Fonds der Darstellenden Künste)

© Sara Kurig
© Sara Kurig

Art can teach us about infinity and our limited perception of reality through its direct access to the subconsciousness of the viewer.

© Sara Kurig
© Sara Kurig

One of the consequences of General Relativity is the curvature of space and time by mass. This   leads to the creation of black holes,  a region where space is bend to infinity.  But equally so our own mass curves space slightly around us as every mass in the universe is in a dynamic responds to the space and time surrounding it. 

© Sara Kurig
© Miki Kuschel
© Miki Kuschel
© Sara Kurig
© Miki Kuschel